Makers: Cre8

Everything about Cre8

Founders of Cre8

Jurre Groenenboom Founder CRE8 / Designer Jurre Groenenboom studied Industrial Design at TU Delft and then worked at HEMA and as a freelance designer. As founder and driving force behind CRE8, he is responsible for the daily management. In addition, in the role of Creative Coach, he is responsible for increasing the creative potential of the young people who work at CRE8. Maria Nguyen is the Co-founder of CRE8 graduated as an Industrial Designer at TU Delft, she first gained marketing experience at Philips and various non-profit organizations. Maria has been involved with CRE8 since its foundation and is responsible for marketing and communication. In addition, as a Work Floor Coach, she guides the young people in their daily activities.

Services of Cre8

Through the combination of Stichting CRE8 and our BV we can offer our services in a social way. Partly because of the guidance in the workplace and guidance from the Streetcornerwork Foundation, the youngsters know exactly how to work with our equipment. In this way we want to make a positive contribution to the career opportunities of these young people and to society. This makes CRE8 an independent company with its own strategy and management. We offer, among other things, the services of 3D printing, laser cutting and lettering. You can also contact us for advice and designs with regard to prototyping and production. We can guide you from the beginning to the end of the development of a product. Do you already have a design and would you like a test print? No problem! We have many materials and colors to produce your 3D print or product according to your wishes.